Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Somehow, I still had a good time - mostly

If I told you that Ellie slid face-first down a rough concrete driveway before we even really got the trip started last week, resulting in much blood, swelling and screaming... would you wonder if we had a good trip? (Grandpa Joe's driveway slope and a look at the facial owies)

If I then told you that the same night I noticed that my throat was sore and my glands were swollen (not to mention the fever), would you think things were going downhill fast?

What if I then mentioned that Jay started feeling sick a few days later?

Yes, it all happened - and with the dollar a little worse than at par with the Canadian dollar, everything was mighty expensive up there, especially 3 squares a day for a family of four... BUT, all told, I had a really good time!

After treating Ellie's wounds in Tacoma, a quick trip to the walk-in clinic in Victoria, and a prescription for penicillin, we set out to explore beautiful, friendly Vancouver Island. (Here's the ferry ride over and setting out to explore Victoria.)

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