Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ours is not to reason why...

For the seven summers that I have been acquainted with the garden here, the blueberry bushes have been in residence. I know that Jay did not give them alot of love back in the beginning, but there have been years when we really did try to care for them and coax berries to grow. There was even a year when we draped them in protective netting, thinking it would keep the birds from eating the few berries that managed to plump themselves into something edible. All the netting ever did was succeed in capturing birds, sending me bounding into the house to get Jay to untangle some poor (and angry) little tweeter who had gotten his spindly foot stuck. Whatever the reason - maybe the bushes sense that two little rugrats love blueberries, maybe it's just that they appreciate the neglect - We have LOTS of blueberries this year! Plump and scrumptious!

Mags will stand there and pick them until she's blue in the face (ha) - while I tend to the meager veggie garden I'm trying to maintain now that I am officially in "summer mode." This is a great task for her because it prevents her from trying to "help" by weeding my planters filled with sedums.

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