Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

My Vacation, by Maggie... Mama forgot to post this.

Much like the guy who writes The Family Circle cartoon does, I asked Mags to fill in for me when I needed a little break from posting. Of course, this meant I had to ask her what pictures she liked, get her to comment on each one, upload the whole thing, and well, I kind of moved on to other things before I ever actually posted it. So, here, delayed, is "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" by Maggie O.

That's when we had a blanket on us during the carriage ride. I was happy! (Colleen says: ...although a little freaked out - BUT, really happy.)

That was one time when we had ice cream. It was at the garden. Yeah, we ate alot of ice cream.

That was when I rode the horse at the garden. Yeah. But it wasn't real.

I was sure being silly then. Or I was sleeping.

That was the picture book in our hotel. Our other hotel had one, too. (Colleen says: Mags was FASCINATED by the Bibles in the rooms.)

That's at the playground when I played with the rocks.

There's my hand on Papa's shoulder!

I made my quesadilla into a castle! (Colleen says: ...and then BEGGED Mama to take a picture of it.)

The salsa dancers in the park in Victoria. There's the cowboy in the corner, too - but he doesn't look like Woody from Toy Story. He has a blue hat. (Colleen says: This was NOT Dancing with the Stars...)

The fountain in front of Starbucks.

We tried to take the change out, but Mama wouldn't let us.

The princess horse named Molly who took us on our carriage ride.

Santa on vacation taking the ferry from Canada to Anacortes. (Colleen says: We also saw Santa at Market Day in Chemainus, BC - So, that's at least two men who CLAIMED to be Santa on one trip. Of course, we were pretty far north, so who's to say for sure...? Didn't you always know that Santa would wear a red and white Hawaiian shirt on vacation?)

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