Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Last night my Jazzercise class was monitored, and it was relatively painless - although this morning, I am sore and my muscles are feeling a little like they would feel if I had held them tense overnight. I was long overdue for an observation - so far overdue that I had stopped driving into the grange parking lot with a knot in my stomach wondering when the unfamiliar car with the Jazzercise decal would show up. But, I had been given a little (unitentional?) heads-up the day before and had actually spent some time putting my set together early in the day and making sure it was well-balanced. Very fortunately, I had managed to stay sane, beer-free and on time earlier in the evening even though my post-Kindercare running around included picking up Big Chris at Julianne's, a hurried spaghetti dinner and a car swap.

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