Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just a little tired

I've taught three Jazzercise classes in the last 24 hours. There has also been a fair amount of "Jazzerdrama." There has even been some parenting/pet ownership peppered in as well (Read that as "I have cleaned up both puke and urine." So much for cutting down on paper towel use for Earth Day...). I really want to post a photo of my newly hung mirror (which I used yesterday to observe myself practicing some new songs before trying them out on the folks last night - awesomely incredible), but I am too lazy to go outside and take a picture, put it on the computer and upload it here. Perhaps tomorrow - or even later tonight, but right now, I'm just going to nurse this nice hot after-lunch cuppa Joe and think about how I really should be working on a PowerPoint presentation for a client. Three hours until I need to pick up the girls - If the caffeine kicks in, I can still make some good progress on that. Yep, progress...

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