Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Drama Queen

Can you tell what that face is saying? It is saying, "Do NOT take my picture! LEAVE me alone! I don't WANT to walk with you!" Yes, her t-shirt does actually say, "The World Needs Drama Queens" - but if anyone's asking, we have plenty here at our house. How was that shirt selected, you may wonder? After an exhaustive process that involved ripping every shirt out and trying as many on as possible in order to find one that was the perfect length so as not to in any way compromise the effect of the tutu. What are Mondays for if not to indulge the kids, right? The only thing I could think of doing instead was going to PetSmart and looking at the animals, and letting Mags dress herself did keep us busy for quite some time - and minimized our carbon footprint for the day. It also facilitated the spring cleaning goal of ridding Mags' closet of the clothes that no longer fit.

This picture is taken with the zoom lens from the street as Maggie steadfastly (and loudly) refuses to walk to the mailbox with Ellie and me because she does not have a purse. And SHE NEEDS A PURSE TO GO TO THE MAILBOX. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Here, in a fine shot of sisterly love, Maggie has ripped Ellie's magazine (that Ellie and I retrieved from the mailbox) out of Ellie's little hands. You can almost hear Maggie saying, "Ellie, you're such a little kiss ass... Giggling and snuggling with Mama all the time. When I go join the circus, I'm not letting you come with me."

1 comment:

Unknown said...


This is classic and wonderfully told!