Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Where the women are strong, the men are good-looking, and the children are above-average.

This week:
  • I have moved up to my 7-pound weights (well, at least my 6's with the occasional foray into 7-land). Tonight, if it is as hot as I think it's going to be in that blessed oven, I mean grange hall, I may do without weights all together.
  • Jay is getting used to either biking to work (no small feat) or running at lunchtime combined with a sensible Subway lunch (a la Jared). He has trimmed off 7 pounds so far. (Although since the weather is over 100 at the moment, he may have lost another 5 in water weight just sitting in traffic on the I-5 bridge this afternoon).
  • The girls have successfully moved up to their respective new classes at KinderCare. Ellie hit her new teacher the moment I handed her over the first day, but she came home with a groovy new hairdo that involved EIGHT ponytail holders and a zigzag part down the back of her scalp that afternoon, so it was pretty clear that she and Ms Renae had had some real quality time. Maggie keeps asking, "What class do I have to go to TODAY?" And when I say, "Pre-K, Mags. That's where your cubby is now." She just says, "A-gain?!"

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