Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Swelled up with the memories

Just looking at these pictures makes my ankles balloon up like an elephant. (Gray shirt is Mags. Bare belly is Ellie.) But, at the moment, we're going through a phase where these photos are getting more attention than Boowa and Kwala and Willy Wonka combined. Oh, and the questions they evoke from the little one - "Mama, you were in my belly?" "I was in your belly?" "Where was Ellie?" "Who's in there?" "I was a baby yesterday?" And then there's just, "Whoa! Mama! Look at you in that picture! What happened?" Then we all laugh and I thank the heavens above that I have two beautiful little girls and sole ownership over my belly for the foreseeable future.

On Saturday, Ellie will be the exact age that Maggie was when Ellie was born.

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