Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Everything's Better with Ketchup?

Last night was one of those "what can I make for dinner that does not involve stopping at the store with the kids on the way home from KinderCare" nights. I dug deep and found that I had both a package of ground turkey and a can of cream of mushroom soup. Believe me when I tell you that when you put those two things in a frying pan and heat them up, magic happens. No really. My mom and dad would say it needs to be hamburger, but it doesn't. Put that steaming gunk over some brown rice or mashed potatoes and mmm mmm! (It can't be grilled salmon and steamed broccoli every night...)

I left for class before Maggie settled in to eat. (We really have to start getting everyone to the table at the same time. I watched a bit of SuperNanny last night, and I know she would agree on that point...) But, I trusted Jay to get her to eat something. When we chatted at the bathroom sink as we brushed our teeth before bed, I asked about Maggie's dinner. He said something like,
"She loved that stuff - just had to add some ketchup and she scarfed it down!"
"You added ketchup to what? Please wait - don't say what I think you're about to say - NOOOO!"
But yes, my daughter ate brown rice, ground turkey, cream of mushroom soup and KETCHUP for dinner. And loved it.

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