Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where's Ellie Been?

Here she is! Maggie took this one at some point - It's the least of what happens when I leave them alone in the office near the computers and with access to cordless telephones.

A lovely shot of her running away down the driveway in her nightgown with not a single look back. And when I say running, I'm not speaking figuratively.

Here she is after the AWOL police chased her down and stuck her in the naughty corner.

Here's one on KinderCare picture day looking like a 5th grader.

...and showing off her kicky pink boots.

...and proving that there's more than one princess in this here house.

We're having some trouble keeping her glasses from slipping down her nose, which means she spends alot of time looking over the tops of them - Oddly (for a child of ours), I think she's too young to appreciate the sense of utter disdain she could convey with that kind of look. As perfect as the glasses are and as much as she completely unabashedly adores them, we may have to switch to a pair with adjustable nose pads so we can squeeze them on her little proboscis.

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