Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monkey Slippers

Here's hoping that the junk (and that is really a rather tame euphemism) that we've been dealing with as far as my work, my Jazzercise music and my dear computer are concerned has met its demise and that I will now feel released to conquer such pleasureable and self-indulgent things as this blog again. It's been a long coupla days, and I've been alternately treading lightly and laying down the law in this room. Knock on wood, I sent off some documents today to the client (as long as they're able to access the gargantuan files by a FileMail link that I sent them). So, hopefully, they'll be happy, I can get a certain application out of my life for a bit, and I'll be able to reestablish a sense of normalcy. That said, here's a little something fun that's been snuggling up to the feet of two little girls at our house: monkey slippers from The Children's Place.

I took Mags to the mall last week to look for shoes. Although she would be happy wearing heavy tights and white sandals all through the winter, I feel a certain sense of responsibility to save her from the junior fashion police that I'm sure infiltrate even the youngest of KinderCare classes. We scored some cute Nine West (really) ballet flats that you can see in the princess picture from the last post at Nordstrom. They even came with their own little black carrying case/purse thing. We also got a sensible albeit sequin encrusted pair of pink light up Mary Janes. But, I was looking for something a little more, well, brown and everyday. So, we went to The Children's Place. We got some more tights for Mags since I'm pretty sure she's given up wearing pants maybe for good. Then, she said something that made me very happy and surprised...

"What are we going to get for my sister?"
"I'm not sure. We came out together because we needed to make a special trip to get you some things."
"But we need to get Ellie SOMETHING."
"Well, what are you thinking of?"
"I like these. Do they have her size?"
"Yes, they do."
"And do they have MY size?"

...and as much as I have often tried to get them things that are similar but not exactly the same, I'm thinking sometimes it makes good sense to get them things that actually are exactly the same because I have not heard a single peep of ownership disagreement out of either one of them about these slippers. And that's saying something.

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