Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Monday, February 9, 2009


Look at the picture of Ellie and me from the previous post before you read this. Get her ridiculously adorable silly smile in your head before proceeding.

Okay - go ahead...

This morning, I was full of Good-Mom-ness. I had plans for us for the day. We would do art. We would bake cookies. We would eat a nutritious lunch together. There would be bath time and story time and my little angels would snuggle down happily into nap time with nary a whimper.

It was about 9 AM and we were square in the middle of art time. The art tablecloth was spread, paints abounded, papers were being filled with the tangible results of my genius-daughters' imaginations. Ellie, smiling sweetly, looked up at me and proclaimed, "Mama, YOU SUCK!"

"What did you say?"

"Mama, YOU SUCK!" (Smiling.)

In horror, I realize that I am both speechless AND running to grab the video camera. I turn it on.

"Ellie, dare I ask you to say what you just said before?"

"What? Flowers!! Princesses! I'm a princess!! I do painting!"

"Yes, but what else did you just say?"

"I don't know."

I turn the camera off.

..."Mama, YOU SUCK! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!"

I called Jay and told him the story. He said, "Is this funny?" "No, of course it's not. I don't think so, but kind of funny in a this-better-not-happen-again kind of way..." "Yeah, that's what I thought."

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