Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Waiting for Jay to Come Back with the Bed

Now that I don't have any happy Hawaii pictures to post, I've been slacking. How do you really follow a trip like that? So, now it's Sunday afternoon and we're trying to get the kids to nap - Right now I'm ignoring the sobbing that's coming from the other end of the house. It's crocodile sobs anyway. We started the day relatively aimlessly - well, I stole the Sunday crossword out of the mailbox and snuck off to Starbucks in the early morning fog while the family slept, and then Jay went to Ric's to cut some trim pieces for the outbuilding when I dragged myself back home. Maggie suggested lunch at IKEA, so off we went, arriving early enough to avoid the noon rush at the cafeteria. I'm tellin' you, $2.49 per kid and more food than they can shove down their little pie holes is NOT BAD. (Did I mention my love for IKEA? I love IKEA. Love it. I love it so much, I can actually tell you the NAMES of the products I'm buying/have bought for the outbuilding. Portis hat rack anyone? Grundtal towel racks?)

The sun is shining, it's warm and all is right with the world - except for the sobbing, previously noted. Since it's so nice out, I won't even go down the road of describing Maggie's well child visit at the pediatrician's earlier in the week - actually the trauma of it is partly what's kept me from posting, but we are relatively well recovered - physically, mentally... well, the emotional scars may stick around for a few more years, but I'm sure we'll all be fine eventually.

On a lighter note, every day at KinderCare, the teacher asks Maggie's class a question and then records every answer on a piece of flipchart paper which is then posted on the wall. They are currently "studying" their community. One of the questions was, "What's your favorite place to eat?" Some kids said, "at home." Others, "grandma's." There were "my friend's house" and "McDonald's" and "the pizza place." Do you know what Mags said? "The Coffee House." Let's just envision that Starbucks manages to survive the economic downturn. If they do, they've got one loyal 4-year old lined up for her own personalized Lifetime Starbucks Gold Card, and her name is MARGARET. Of course, I like to tell myself that Maggie enjoys eating at Starbucks most because it's time when the two of us sneak out early on the weekend and go have quality time alone over some steamed milk (for her) and a big cup of coffee (for me). It's time with me that she loves, right? Not just that I let her have milk pumped full of vanilla syrup...

The crying has subsided, so I think I may steal Jay's glass of wine that he has carelessly left on the counter. He's down the street retrieving the platform for the bed in the outbuilding. Once a place has a bed and a working toilet, it's almost as good as finished, right?

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