Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Preschool Question of the Day

First off, let's just say that today is pajama day and Mags asked me to take her picture at KinderCare. Since she usually screams "NO PICTURES!" and hides her face, I obliged, and here she is. Now, the answers to the daily question at KinderCare always amuse me. Maggie's answer almost always comes toward the bottom of the list and is a totally appropriate response. For example, the previous day's question was: "What does a dentist do?" Maggie, being very thoughtful and logical said, "He fixes your teeth."

I very clearly remember when I was younger that I was described as "the girl who never has to ask questions and look stupid because she knows that if she waits long enough, someone will ask the questions that need to be asked, and then she'll find out what she needs to know and it will look like she knew all along." I have to admit that this was 100% true about me - although I think I've lightened up alot with age and now can enjoy the occasional publicly clueless moment.

That is why I was SO VERY EXCITED AND PROUD yesterday when I saw that Maggie answered the question FIRST(!) and (I'm totally sure) with enthusiasm. We've been watching the movie "Elf" ad nauseum lately, and seeing her answer made me think of when Buddy bursts into his dad's office in the middle of the very intense Miles Finch meeting and exclaims "I'm in love! I'm in love! And I don't care who knows it!!!" You see, yesterday Maggie was wearing a new pair of pink fleece pants that she loves, and I'm pretty sure she just wanted to talk about them. So, the answer was PRINCESS PANTS!!! And who cares about what the question was?

(I do think the entire class gave answers great to this one...)

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