Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Few Pearls from Mags

Spin Art: We have a nice spin art machine. It was a gift from Jay one year when I asked for one. And when I say it's nice, I mean I could do the birthday party circuit and it would hold up. Every now and then, when the weather's nice, we enjoy taking it out on the porch and getting creative. Problem is, we end up with stacks of spin art paintings. I keep them neatly piled on a shelf, but one day they ended up spewed all over the floor of the great room. When I discovered them, I yelled, "Maggie!! Where did these come from??!!"

"Oh, Mama. They came from our imaginations!"

Baby Chicks at Wilco: The other day, Jay took the girls to see the baby chicks and ducks at Wilco. They keep them in gated little pens with heat lamps, and they are pretty cute. After everyone got home, I asked what the baby chicks said.

"Mama, they didn't say anything. They didn't eat their alphabet soup." (Yes, she is a little familiar with Martha the Talking Dog.)

Finding a Man: After watching Beauty and the Beast, in which the beast at the end turns into a handsome prince with long flowing locks:

"I need to find me a nice guy with good hair." Girl's got her priorities straight. Of course, if you check out the prince at about 3:30 into the video, you'll see that "good hair" is pretty much a Fabio do... I asked her if she wanted to find one so she could marry him (because she tends to frame relationships in Disney princess terms). She said, "No, not so I can marry him. HE has to marry ME."

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