Just one girl trying to not to drop anything too important...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

One Week without Farley

It's been about a week since old Farley went to the green, sunny field in the sky that we call Doggie Heaven around here. And, life is going on - the weather has been fabulous (so it hasn't been too hard to think of him spending the night out in the yard (if that makes any sense). In this week, I've been struck by how life is different without him.

I feel a lot like I've lost my shadow. For fifteen years, whenever I went from one room to another, he dragged himself along. Now, when I go to take a shower, I can close the bathroom door right away instead of waiting for him to follow along. It had gotten to where I'd feel extra bad if I only had to run into a room for something - knowing he'd follow, lie down and then be forced to drag himself up right away to follow me somewhere else.

I'm not sure what to do with the leftovers. An extra piece of toast at breakfast? Unfinished piece of pizza? I guess they go in the trash because Happy Cat just looks at me funny when I drop them on the floor.

There's no faintly dog-shaped spot on the carpet at the foot of our bed anymore because nobody's lying there shedding all night long.

I don't sit down on wet toilet seats anymore because nobody (thankfully) is nosing up the lid, having a drink and slobbering toilet water all over.

There's nobody here to bark at the house ghosts or the yard spirits anymore. He was great at that. Some people may have assumed he was just barking at the air, but I know better.

I think Maggie has assumed the role of Most Prolific Farter - and let me tell you - those are big shoes she's going to have to fill.

It's just weird being without the stinky, lumpy, gimpy, loyal, handsome pup.

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